GANF is part of C.I.T Academies
01476 564 994 (Sandon)      01476 564 957 (Ambergate)

Sandon Curriculum Rationale

A C.I.T Academy school

Sandon Curriculum Rationale

Curriculum Statement

GANF has a clear curriculum intent and implementation. Where required, pupils can move between campuses, during their educational journey, to access suitable and challenging curriculum provision. Such decisions are made by school leadership in collaboration with the local authority.

At Sandon Campus, our curriculum is designed to meet the individual needs of our pupils and to be Valuable, Inspirational and Personalised. The topic-based approach is intended to provide stimulating learning experiences and link concepts within an overarching theme.

In order to implement our curriculum successfully for our different cohorts of pupils, the curriculum is divided into three pathways as detailed below. The same overall topic is studied by the three of the curriculum pathways. This is so that classes can take a mixture of approaches if necessary to support differentiation. The curriculum allows flexibility to enable us to provide individuals with a bespoke curriculum.

Our aim at Sandon is to provide a relevant, meaningful and motivating curriculum to maximise pupil engagement and in turn to facilitate deep learning and contextualising concepts. Personalised provision allows teachers to plan in direct response to pupil’s individual needs and interests and taking account of their barriers to learning.

The impact of our curriculum is measured by assessing progress using triangulated assessment with the aim of this leading to deeper personalisation of learning. Pupils work towards awards and accreditation. GANF is part of the Caring 2 learn research project aimed at improving outcomes for looked after and vulnerable children. We have achieved Eco- schools and International school awards and we are a UNICEF rights respecting school.

Please click under the images below to view individual documents connected to our Sandon curriculum. Additional information on Curriculum is available upon request at

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