GANF is part of C.I.T Academies
01476 564 994 (Sandon)      01476 564 957 (Ambergate)

School Meals

A C.I.T Academy school

Schools throughout the Community Inclusive Trust move towards removing cash from their sites.
The Community Inclusive Trust have taken the decision to remove the need for cash from site in order to ease the burden on staff from handling funds, increase accuracy of accounting and help parent/carers and staff see exactly where they are on a minute by minute for everything from paying for school meals to school trips. C.I.T. looked at various options and decided to employ one system across all schools in the Trust, that system was MCAS (My Child at School). The system fully integrates with MCAS communication systems as well as the MIS systems and Financial Software package employed by schools which will hopefully reduce the workload of staff meaning they can dedicate more time to assist in the education of pupils and support other areas of the school. It has the added advantage of being intuitive and easy to use by parent/carers who we hope will see the benefit of implementing such a system.

At GANF we regard lunchtimes as a valuable teaching and learning opportunity where personal, social and independence skills can be practised.

Arrangements can be made for pupils who require a special diet, and a vegetarian option is always available.

Eating healthily is firmly embedded into our ethos and healthy options are always available at lunchtimes. Pupils are encouraged to eat healthy snacks at break times. We are very keen to work in partnership with parents and carers in order to reinforce the benefits of healthy eating.
Ambergate Campus – As of September 2024 school lunches are freshly cooked off site and transported in time for lunch each day by Good Lookin Cookin. All relevant information can be found at

Sandon Campus – Meals are freshly cooked on site each day and cost £2.50 per child per meal. Payments are to be made on your MCAS account.

From September 2014, all infant children (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) receive a free school meal. This is Government Policy, although you still have the option of sending your child with a packed lunch if you wish. There is such a thing as a free lunch!

Unfortunately schools are no longer allowed to submit forms to LCC Data Exchange to apply for Free School Meals on your behalf. If your child is Year 3 or above and you think you might be entitled to free school meals and would like to apply, please click here to download the Online FSM Application.

Click on the left image to download the Ambergate menu for this term. Click on the right image to download the Sandon menu for this term.

Food Allergies and Intolerances
For information regarding the ingredients contained in school meals, please email

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