Anti Bullying
We consider the safety and wellbeing of our pupils paramount and as part of our wellbeing framework we promote anti bullying across both our schools. We operate an open door policy whereby if a pupil wants to talk, we are here to listen.
During this years Anti Bullying Week at Sandon and Ambergate we have explored many different ways of acknowleding our peers feelings. Ranging from Reading the story ‘My Friend is Sad’ by Mo Willems, to talking about ways we could make our friends happy when they are sad . The pupils have practised identifying different emotions by looking at and sorting facial expressions. We also made some lovely posters of people in school who can help us when we are sad. (example below)
Kindness is celebrated and promotes positivity and feelings of belonging and safety. Each week we nominate a pupil from lower school and a pupil from upper school for an act of kindness, and their photo is displayed on our kindness board.