GANF is part of C.I.T Academies
01476 564 994 (Sandon)      01476 564 957 (Ambergate)

Long Service Awards!

A C.I.T Academy school

Long Service Awards!

3 staff members from Grantham Additional Needs Fellowship have received a gift for their long service to the schools!

Lynn Carratt – Kitchen Assistant at Ambergate Sports College, who received her 30 years’ service award said, “I came for a day to cover and I am still her 33 years on!! The school has grown in size and pupils have grown in numbers. The staff are getting younger and I am known as Granny Cabbage to them all!! With my vouchers I bought a solar water system for my garden.

June Shephard – School Cook at Sandon School, who received her 30 years’ service award said, “It’s hard to think I have been here over 30 years… and I am only 40 years old myself! Ha ha. It has been absolutely brilliant. With my gift voucher I treated myself to some new silver jewellery.

Vicky Bond – Teacher at Ambergate, who received her 20 years’ service award said, “I started at Sandon and moved over to Ambergate about 8 years ago. No two days are the same! I had a teacher that inspired me when I was younger and would like to think that I can inspire pupils here too. It’s the pupils that make me enjoy working here. I had a new Designer watch as my gift.

Stela Plamenova – Executive Headteacher of GANF said, “Congratulations and admirations to three amazing members of staff for their many years of service to the GANF family! You make a difference every day and we thank you!”.

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