Pupils take part in Tabletop Cricket Tournament

This year Silverstone class have had the excitement of playing tabletop cricket.
Tabletop cricket is an indoor miniature version of cricket played on table tennis tables. The game was designed to provide cricketers with disabilities to participate in the game and play cricket. The game is fantastic as it can be played by all ages and abilities. The rules are very much like regular cricket. Two six member teams compete against each other, with the objective being to score the more runs.
Silverstone class were taking part in weekly training sessions during their PE time and were supported by their coach Max from Belvoir Cricket Trust. When the opportunity came up for Silverstone to represent Ambergate school they pounced on the chance.
The pupils successfully won their first competition which was held in Grantham. They then continued on to the next round in the competition. The team played well and continued to grow in confidence. Despite their best efforts and continued determination, unfortunately they were unable to win this stage in the tournament. All players worked extremely hard and made their staff and school very proud.
Mr Rose, the teacher of Silverstone class commented:
“I was immensely proud of all the pupils who took part in the competition. They tried exceptionally hard and worked well as a team. It was lovely seeing their confidence grow from start to finish. They all represented Ambergate school really well and all the pupils should be extremely proud of their accomplishments.”
Whilst at the competition one of Silverstone’s pupils, Hallie offered to share her experience with a member of the tabletop cricket team. Hallie shared her thoughts and opinions confidently and gave a lovely description of what tabletop cricket represents and stands for.
Here is Hallie’s video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIa51Y_-pkc