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SPARK Engineering Festival

A C.I.T Academy school

SPARK Engineering Festival

SPARK Engineering Festival Logo

On Friday 7th July a group of pupils from Ambergate visited the SPARK Engineering Festival held at Lincoln Cathedral. This was a 2-day celebration to showcase Lincolnshire’s Engineering achievements. The magnificent event setting of the Cathedral itself is a Civil Engineering masterpiece in its own right.

The theme of this year’s event was ‘Engineering for the Future’, promoting all aspects of engineering and manufacturing (products, processes, waste, energy, transport) as well as sectors such as food and how innovation is preparing us for the future.

It was an excellent opportunity for Lincolnshire businesses to showcase the innovative work being done locally as well as promoting engineering and STEM as career options for young people.

We all had an absolutely fantastic morning visiting the various exhibits which definitely inspired some of our budding engineers.

One of the most popular exhibits was the world record breaking monowheel, where even Dr Kelly got to sit on the fastest monowheel motorcycle!!!

Dr Kelly got to sit on the fastest monowheel motorcycle

Pupils also got a demonstration of a robot being taught to read.

Ambergate Pupils got a demonstration of a robot being taught to read. Ambergate Pupils got a demonstration of a robot being taught to read.

Some of the pupils had the opportunity to experience how using a Virtual Reality headset can be used in engineering training.

Ambergate Pupils learning how using a Virtual Reality headset can be used in engineering training. Ambergate Pupils learning how using a Virtual Reality headset can be used in engineering training.

As well as there being lots of hands on activities there was lots of information about the different career opportunities available within the engineering industry.

Below are some more photos of the morning;

Ambergate pupil got to sit on the fastest monowheel motorcycle Ambergate pupil got to sit on the fastest monowheel motorcycle Ambergate pupils at the SPARK Engineering Festival 2023

What the pupils had to say about the event……

“The festival was great and it had things I thought were interesting along with stuff about Colleges. I would Definitely want to go again” CH Y9

“I loved the trip and enjoyed trying out VR, seeing a technical robot and programming one to move cubes” RD Y9

“I enjoyed it because of how interactive it was, and how much there was to see” RG Y10

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