Our Work Experience Co-ordinator & Careers Advisor at GANF is Jo Corrall.
To contact Jo please email jo.corrall@ganf-cit.co.uk or call 01476 564957.
Work Experience, Career & Personal Development
We aim to give all pupils aged 14-19 the opportunity to gain an insight into the world of work through work experience placements within the community, internally in GANF, through work place visits and locally organised career events.
Our ultimate aim is to equip our pupils with the tools to gain meaningful paid employment.
To access our related policies, please click here

Working at Downtown Garden Centre, Grantham
Work Experience
Work experience opportunities are advertised and pupil’s complete application forms and go through an interview process. We also work with pupils to organise more personal placements.
Work Experience TA’s are available to support pupils and will accompany those who may require it.
Work Experience TA’s

Dawn Prentice and Karen Gilroy are our Work Experience TA’s.
During the period of work experience the pupil is required to complete a work experience log book provided by the school. Pupils attending placements independently will be visited regularly to document progress. All employers complete a short report on each pupil at the end of the placement. Pupil and Parent/Carer feedback is also requested.
Work experience placements usually last for either one full day or ½ a day a week for 6 weeks, however extended work experience may be offered to pupils where appropriate.
As part of the learning programme it helps pupils to:
Experience work firsthand
Understand how employers work
Experience social relationships at work
Develop skills and knowledge for adult life
Appreciate expectations that employees will have of fellow workers
Assess how to adapt to working patterns and relationships outside of school
Gain the self-confidence needed in the adult world to increase self-esteem and self-worth
Raise aspirations of both pupils and parent/carers
Current external opportunities:
Hope Café
The Co-op
Local Supermarkets
Children’s Day Nursery
Little Gems Gift Shop (Grantham College)
Downtown Garden Centre
Sue Ryder Charity Shop
Maidenhead Aquatics
Grantham Food Bank
Local Care/Nursing Homes
Work Experience Success
Please click here to read about Ignas Bukovskis
We continue to develop strong links with local businesses. Our aim is to ensure that the work experience we offer meets individual needs, as such we can organise one off experiences such as arranging for a pupil to work in a local ice cream van, and organizing for another pupil to work at a vintage dressmaker.

CLICK HERE to read about the ice cream van visit to Ambergate
Internal opportunities:

Ground maintenance at Sandon Campus
Building and ground maintenance
Assisting in the lower school classes
Assisting with lower school sports/PE
School transport valeting
School Kitchen
Work Place Visits
Alongside the work experience placements we also organise work place visits. These are one off visits for either pupils who are not yet ready to participate in the work experience programme, or to visit employers who wish to support our programme, but are unable to offer ongoing work placements.
These visits have been hugely successful, at giving pupils an insight into the day to day workings of various local businesses.
So far we have visited:
• The RSPCA in Radcliffe on Trent
• Macdonald’s in Grantham
• Job Centre in Grantham
• Western Power Station
• Yorkshire Bank
• Dogs Trust in Loughborough
• Siren Radio in Lincoln
• East Midlands Airport
Pupils visit Western Power
Dogs Trust Visit
Grantham McDonalds Visit
Pupils visit East Midlands Airport
Supported Internships
Sandon Campus (6th Form) are at present involved in the SEND Employment project with other SEN schools based on developing Supported Internship opportunities for those pupils that would most benefit.
Careers Events
Pupils also have the opportunity to attend various careers events. These events are supported by local businesses/employers to give an insight into different areas of local employment. The days are very hands on and pupils get a practical taste of different job opportunities that perhaps they had not thought of before.
Career Days attended:
• Various Construction Day
• Field to Fork
Please click here to read about Construction Week 2022
please click here to read about Asda Grantham Visit Jan/Feb 2023
Post 16 Information Events
On an annual basis we hold a Post 16 information event where local Colleges and Post 16 provided are invited to showcase their provision and opportunities. Information is also available on apprenticeships, traineeships and supported internships as well as independent travel training and our own Sandon Campus 6th Form
School Based Work-Related Opportunities/Mini Enterprise Activities
GANF pupils are involved in various curriculum related and mini enterprise activities;
• Jubilee Centre Coffee Shop run by Post 16 Hospitality
• Post 16 Horticulture Mini Enterprise
The Post 16 Hospitality group based at Sandon Campus run a coffee shop two mornings a week at the Jubilee Centre in Grantham. They prepare food on school premises which they then take to the Coffee Shop where they serve tea, coffee and a selection of cakes, biscuits, savory snacks and light bites.
This supports the Post 16 Hospitality curriculum and qualification in Catering and Hospitality that they are working towards, as well as giving pupils work experience and supporting the development of valuable life skills. All pupils complete a food hygiene certificate prior to working in the Coffee Shop.
The post 16 Horticulture group grow flowers and vegetables at the school’s allotment in town. They then sell the produce as part of a mini enterprise. Pupils are also involved in making seasonal wreaths and flower arrangements which are made to order throughout the year. These activities support the Horticulture qualification that they are working towards. Pupils also maintain the grounds of a local care home in Grantham. Through these activities they are not only gaining valuable work skills but through interaction with the local community they are developing further their social and communication skills.
Developing Self
Through vocational profiling pupil from year 9 upwards are given the opportunity to identify their own strengths and areas for development. With the support from their Tutors they will then set targets to work on, with achievements being acknowledged through an Awards system.
As you can see we have a very wide range of activities on offer, requests from pupils can be wide ranging and we are always on the lookout for new and exciting placements and projects, if you think you can help please don’t not hesitate to contact us.

Horticulture Mini Enterprise
As you can see we have a very wide range of activities on offer, requests from pupils can be wide ranging and we are always on the lookout for new and exciting placements and projects, if you think you can help please don’t not hesitate to contact Jo Corrall at Ambergate on 01476 564957 or Sara Ellis at Sandon on 01476 564994.
How the Curriculum supports Self Development
We cover many life and living skills across our curriculum, the vocational options that pupils take help develop their knowledge and skills in order to prepare them for future employment and life.
Subjects include;
• AIM Sport
• WJEC Performing Arts
• AIM Art
• AIM Digital Media
• AIM Health & Social Care
• Modern Foreign Languages
• AIM Phototgraphy
• Enrichment
• Duke of Edinburgh Bronze & Silver
• AIM Hospitality
• AIM Healthy Living & Fitness
• EDEXCEL Functional Skill ICT
• AIM Qualification – Skills for Working in Catering and Hospitality Industries
• SSB – Vocational Studies for working in Horticulture and Catering & Hospitality
• The OCR Life and Living Skills qualification and PSHE curriculum provide the foundation for the development of skills required for adulthood.
Careers Support
As well as working with local businesses and employers we work closely with outside agencies to support our careers programme providing independent careers advice including information on apprenticeships, Traineeships and Supported Internships.
Ambergate and Sandon Leavers
We know that due to Covid this is a very difficult time for those pupils who are moving on and we continue to be available to give help and advice with regards to those transitions. Pupils, parents and carers are directed to the Virtual Open Days and events organized by our local Colleges and Post 16 Providers.
This is an ever-changing situation and we are continuing to look at different ways in which we can support our Careers Programme during this uncertain time.
Should you have any queries please feel free to contact;

Jo Corrall (left)
Careers Advisor and Work Experience Co-Ordinator
Sara Ellis (right)
Assistant Headteacher
Help us prepare your child for the world of work
Did you know that Parents AND Carers are the biggest
influencers of any young person making decisions about
their future education and careers choices?
By supporting your child’s school to develop and implement
a meaningful Careers programme you will ensure that you can:
Help to support your
school to directly link
curriculum subjects to
the world of work
Increase the number
of encounters with
employers that young
people receive
Provide accurate
career pathway
information about the
industry sector you
work in
Use your network of
friends or colleagues
to increase employer
participation in your
child’s schools
careers programmes
Encourage your
employer to provide
more young people
with vital WORK
Help young people
understand the
skills and
qualifications they
need to enter the
world of work
To view the Provider Access Policy please click here
To keep up to date with everything Work Experience and Careers please ‘like’ our Facebook page on the link below.
Jo Corrall
Exams Officer/Careers Advisor/Work Experience Co-ordinator